Client Setup

Client Side Setup

Install Thirdweb

  1. Go to default folder of your project and open the terminal and type cd.. and and create a folder client using echo > client command and then cd .\client\
  2. Now hit npx thirdweb create --app and
  • hit enter to select the default template
  • ask for the name of the project and type ./ and hit enter
  • ask for the which blockchains you want to use and select evm and hit enter
  • ask for the what framework do you want to use? and select vite and hit enter
  • ask for the what language do you want to use? and select javascript and hit
  1. We need one more dependency react router dom so hit npm install react-router-dom and wait for the installation to complete
  2. Now hit npm run dev and wait for the server to start
  3. Now open the browser and go to http://localhost:5173 and you will see the default template of thirdweb

Modify the template

Delete the src folder and create a new folder src and create a new file index.js inside the src folder