Stored API data

API data in Database using Express & Mongoose

Stored API data (JSON) in Database using Express & Mongoose

▶️ Create a JSON file

  1. Go to main directory cd ..
  2. Create a JSON file using echo > tasks.json & echo > tasksDB.js
  3. In tasks.json file, add the following code:
        "description": "Buy groceries",
        "status": "incomplete",
        "priority": "high",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-20T12:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c34"
        "description": "Clean the kitchen",
        "status": "incomplete",
        "priority": "medium",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-19T09:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c34"
        "description": "Finish report for work",
        "status": "incomplete",
        "priority": "urgent",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-25T17:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c35"
        "description": "Read book for book club",
        "status": "completed",
        "priority": "low",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-18T20:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c35"
        "description": "Go for a run",
        "status": "incomplete",
        "priority": "medium",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-17T06:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c36"
        "description": "Finish homework",
        "status": "incomplete",
        "priority": "high",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-20T12:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c36"
        "description": "Clean the kitchen",
        "status": "incomplete",
        "priority": "medium",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-19T09:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c36"
        "description": "Finish report for work",
        "status": "incomplete",
        "priority": "urgent",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-25T17:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c37"
        "description": "Read book for book club",
        "status": "completed",
        "priority": "low",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-18T20:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c37"
        "description": "Go for a run",
        "status": "incomplete",
        "priority": "medium",
        "dueDate": "2023-03-17T06:00:00Z",
        "owner": "616a58a4567d8930d8816c37"

▶️ DB Setup

  1. In tasksDB.js file, add the following code:

You can understand the code from the comments in the code

// Load the dotenv module to access environment variables
// Load the connectDB module to establish a connection to MongoDB
const connectDB = require("./db/connect");
// Load the Task model to interact with the tasks collection
const Task = require("./models/task");
// Load the tasksJSON data from a local file
const tasksJSON = require("./tasks.json");
// Define an async function to start the process
const start = async () => {
  try {
    // Connect to MongoDB using the URL from the environment variable
    await connectDB(process.env.MONGODB_URL);
    // Create new documents in the tasks collection using the tasksJSON data
    await Task.create(tasksJSON);
    // Log a success message if everything goes well
    console.log("Tasks created successfully");
    // Exit the process with a success code (0)
  } catch (error) {
    // Log an error message if something goes wrong
    // Exit the process with a failure code (1)
// Call the start function to execute it
  • Calls the connectDB function to connect to a MongoDB database using the URL specified in the MONGODB_URL environment variable.

  • Uses the Task model to create new documents in the database using the data from the tasks.json file.

  • Logs a success message to the console if the documents were created successfully.

  • Exits the Node.js process with a status code of 0 (success).

▶️ Run the script

  1. Run the script using node tasksDB.js in the terminal

▶️ Check the database

  1. Go to MongoDB Atlas and check the database to see if the data has been added
  • go to the Collections tab
  • click on the tasks collection

Change the image size by using the click-and-scroll function.


Change the image size by using the click-and-scroll function.